July 20, 2007


Last weekend my parents and I hiked what is called the Pikes Peak Incline. It is a portion of the mountain that a cog used to take passengers up--now only the rail ties remain. There are no pics of me (I got these off the net) because it is definitely not a hike I'd want to lug my camera on and like my mom said--"it's not a hike for the faint of heart. You just have to shut up and do it."

Here are the stats:

  • Total distance--1.02 miles

  • Elevation--begins at 6500 feet ends at 8500 feet

  • Average incline--46 %

  • Steepest incline--68 %

It took me about 49 minutes to finish. Then we ran down Barr Trail to our car.


Andrea said...

Wow. That looks pretty cool. I'm guessing you didn't lug the boys with you. Just looking at the pictures hurt my knee!

wackywilsons said...

Please tell me you were sore afterwards! That looks like a HUGE feat of accomplishment...I can only imagine how much huffing and puffing was involved and achey calf muscles..

Good girl!

foreveryoung said...

That's some insane hiking! Great on the glutes and quads :) What the heck is a "cog"?