July 22, 2007

Nature vs. Nurture

The other day I caught Anderson with his nose in a book--apparently he's been watching me the last few weeks with my own nose in the same place--first it was Anderson Cooper's Dispatches from the Edge. Then it was Left to Tell by an author whom (who?--can't quite remember the grammar rule I learned way back in English 329) I am unable to pronounce or spell her name but is a survivor from the Rwandan Holocaust. Now it's We Were the Mulvaney's by Joyce Carol Oates. I can, without a doubt, argue for nurture in that regard. I firmly believe you have to set a good example for your children if you want them to love reading. This other photographically captured behavior (I had to have proof for Marc just in case Anderson never performed again, though he has every meal since) I might argue from the other side. I know I can catch Carter slurping up spilled yogurt or applesauce off the table in like fashion and that Marc taught him this behavior, but I'm also pretty confident in saying that Anderson has not really seen this behavior, or at least I'm not sure he's old enough to be taught this, but none the less I turned around on Friday to find him slurping up goldfish from his high chair tray. I simply had to laugh. He's slurped strawberries, grapes, pancakes, chicken, and more goldfish since. I'm wondering if our second born came out knowing how to slurp food off a surface. Is it in his nature?


wackywilsons said...

You are motivating me to do some reading! Remind me to hook that hobby up so I can set a good example for my boys too....where do you find the peace and quiet to do so when they are running around and begging for attention? During nap time? But, then when is the example set if they are not around??? Questions of a homemaker!

I remember you were so into book clubs in Provo...you going to start that up again in Colorado?

I secretly like to slurp my yogurt and it drives Jared crazy!

foreveryoung said...

You could have totally used this entry as an essay back in our human development class! :)

Rohm Family said...

thank you for the book suggestions- I am always loking for a good book- I will check some of yours out after Harry Potter of course- are you not a HP fan?