July 20, 2007

Friday Ritual

It has become our Friday ritual to visit Marc for his lunch break. The boys get to play with their Dad while I get a short break from being their primary care taker. It's something we all enjoy. There is a Sonic, Subway and Wendy's nearby so we usually treat the boys to lunch (as if it's a treat to go out--we probably go out way too much) and then play with all of the cool 'toys' at the clinic. They especially love the mini-tramp and these colorful medicine balls. (Medicine balls are weighted so we don't let Carter throw them, though I'm sure he'd love to!) Today I had the genius idea to go and run on the treadmill there to get my work out in while Marc took the boys. I might be doing that more often--it's a great way to get a Friday work out in that I would usually let slide.

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