July 12, 2007

The Hide and Seek Band-aid

It seems both of our boys are able to provide us with some good laughs this week. Just thinking about what I'm about to tell you turns the corners of my mouth up--way up! On Monday we made our first visit to our new pediatritian. Despite the shots that loomed ahead, I was at ease the second I walked in the door. First off, I was the only one in the waiting room--quite the contrast from the crowded office we were used to in LA. The office there had two appt. times--9:00 am and 1:00 pm. If you didn't go early and get your name on the list you were waiting for forever. Literally, forever. Our new office was nicely painted and decorated with a nice rug covering a pergo floor and rustic furiture--leather seated chairs and all--not to mention immaculate. It had a fantastic array of magazines for mom's (or dad's) enjoyment and a nice little toy area. I was significantly early to the appt. and they got me in within 5 minutes. In the appt. room we found a nice little toy corner for the kids to play with which made my short wait all that much easier. The staff and doctor were super friendly and took their time with us and we only ended up getting one shot! Can I say it was an almost relaxing trip to the doctor? Sorry for the tangent, this is where my story begins. The little details of this doctor and his practice made all the difference, even down to the circular green band-aid that covered Anderson's needle poke. (In LA my doctor only gave us the regular ones!) Well, I never took the band-aid off, but I realized the next morning that it was gone. I figured it was probably lost in his pants or in his bed and I'd find it when I did the laundry and I didn't think about it again. Another side explanation, this time it's relavent. The last two nights, we'll put the boys down and about 1/2 hour later notice this remarkable stink floating out of their room. So we go in and check diapers and it's been Anderson both times. Last night I was busily reading my book so Marc had diaper duty and when he opened the diaper he called for me to come see. I was caught up in my story so I didn't want to, but I did and what was in his diaper--the missing green band-aid. I laughed and debated on weather or not to grab the camera. Obviously, I decided against it, thinking it might be too vulgar. (This morning I am glad I made that choice.) Marc thought it was just gross. Way to go Anderson--I'm sure he'll be my son that eats bugs and dirt, too!


foreveryoung said...

That's too funny! My doctor always warned me about the kids eating the band-aids, but I never thought that they really would--until now! (btw, I can't believe your LA doctor gave out REGULAR band-aids! rip off!) Glad you found such a great pediatrician.

wackywilsons said...

I am just glad that your story didn't end with the poopy mess (and green band-aid) being smeared all over your walls!!!

Welcome to suburbial life! Just came back from Cali today and I do admit, it was a gorgeous place and I almost wish I was there! (San Jose, Fresno area where all the vineyards and orchards are were so delightful!)...

Your writing continues to flow and be so fun to read...