July 09, 2007

Like Father, Like Son

I've always been a little sensitive to what Marc calls me which dates back to our letter writing days while he was on his mission. He really liked to call me 'bud' which totally bugged me because it made me feel like 'one of the guys,' when I wanted so much to be so much more than that! So, when he got off his mission and we began dating seriously I was constantly reminding him that he could not call me 'dude.' I've relaxed a bit after living in California and realizing that wow, that term still lives strong out there even if we aren't living in the '80s anymore. And yes, I do use it some now, too.
Well, tonight the term became part of our first child's vocabulary. Carter had just finished his before bedtime milk and despite my best efforts, he still likes to chuck his sippy on the floor when he's done. I happened to be sitting in the line of fire this time and it hit me, though not hard. I looked back at him and he knew immediately he had made a bad choice (Ever since he hit a 2 week old Anderson in the head after doing the exact same thing I've told him that throwing his sippy is a no no.) and what slipped out of his mouth? "Sowwy dude." He said it like he'd been saying it for years. It was hysterical and Marc and I both cracked up laughing.


Andrea said...

Isn't it funny how you realize the things you say once your kids start repeating it. Like Skylar once said, "Oh my freaking heck." I didn't even know that I said that phrase, but where else would she have heard it? It also cracks me up that she always says, "Have a nice day!" when we leave somewhere or when she is pretending to talk on the phone. At least that phrase is polite, as opposed to the "freaking" one. Sounds like Carter is one cool dude!

Rohm Family said...

that is so cute, thank for the laugh :) Does Marc really call you dude? I thought my husband was the only one who still called people that- good to know :)

foreveryoung said...

That is too funny, you can't stay mad for long after a comment like that!