July 14, 2007

Confessions of a Housewife & Mother

I am a stress-case. So much so that Marc's favorite phrase could easily be "relax." Carter has coined his own version of this word and says it quite often--"bewax."

I stress out when. . .
  • I waste money. For example, among other things I bought a $5.00 block of cheese yesterday at the grocery store and in the craziness of lugging in two gallons of milk, a few grocery bags, and two kids (Anderson is 25 pounds alone, mind you) it was left behind in the trunk until this afternoon when I realized it wasn't in the fridge. Marc went to find it and I was ticked off with my stupidity. Also, in an attempt to relax after a LONG week, I went to get a pedicure yesterday on Marc's lunch hour which turned out looking really pretty. This morning what did I do? Stubbed my toe, cracking my toe nail which required super glue to save the pedi!
  • I waste food. I grilled 4 chicken breasts and 2 small steaks at the beginning of the week with great ambitions of having salad a lot this week. There's still approximately 1 chicken breast left and 1/2 of a steak. I also threw away almost an entire pan of stuffed shells that I made for dinner last Friday, and it really is a fab recipe from Giada de Laurentiis, but for some reason (and no I am not pregnant) my stomach changed and I just didn't ever want them for leftovers.
  • Carter hurts his brother a million times a day. I can turn my back for 2 seconds and in the mean time Carter can smash Anderson's fingers in the front door, shove his head in the carpet, push him down from his cruising state, scratch him, pinch him or any other form of big brother torture.
  • Marc works a 60 hour week--yes I really did need that pedicure.
  • Anderson whines and whines. It's either when his teeth are bothering him, he's thirsty or he's been in the car for over 10 minutes. Seriously, the child is a terrible traveler/errand runner.
  • Carter has a melt down. Yes, my perfectly mellow child isn't so perfectly mellow anymore.
  • The kids get sick or are acting sick but I don't know what's wrong with them.
  • I have any sort of moderate to severe pain.
  • I get behind in posting my blog ideas or events.

Yes, I confess to all of these things. Can anyone tell me I'm not completely out of my mind? On the other hand, I am able to completely relax when. . .

  • I can fix dinner then clean the kitchen in peace and undisturbed quiet.
  • I can curl up with a blanket and a good book (with maybe a treat or a cold drink or maybe a hot one if it's winter)
  • my house is clean.
  • Marc is rubbing my shoulders.

Hmm, it doesn't seem balanced at all. No wonder my shoulders are always in knots!


Rohm Family said...

a lot of those things really stress me out too you are NOT alone, especially the wasting food part- It really bugs me to throw stuff out, and of course shopping with Owen- it is getting really embarassing.

Livingstone Family said...

It's funny how we are so much the same! I did something something really stupid right before we moved and I kept saying, "I'm so retarded; I'm such a loser; etc ..." Until a few days later I heard Johnny repeating the same thing over something silly. I learned a good lesson about (1) keeping my mouth shut! (2) it's important to set a good example for the kids so when they do something dumb they can bounce back and know they're not dumb or losers and move on. But, I know it's frustrating. You're a great mother, and your boys will be so grown up before you know it!

wackywilsons said...

One of my favorite posts that you have done b/c I can relate with so much of what you were saying! I am a worry-wart over everything, especially lately with our house issues, Wrangler, moving, etc....My list is always building up.

Thanks for sharing b/c we all feel the same way!