March 21, 2007

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. . .

I've had a bout of insomnia lately. A lot of nights I just can't fall asleep no matter how fatigued I am after caring for the three boys in my life. Sometimes I get up and read, sometimes I flip on the tube, but the other night I put myself to sleep by thinking--

. . .these are a few of my favorite things (about my kids).

The way Carter says certain things like it is too comes out 'eee too' and Incredibles is 'Increbables.' I love you and thank you sound the same "Inoee" and grandma and grandpa come out like "bawk."

I love the rare occasion when Carter will let me snuggle him and when we nuzzle faces his smells a little like drool after a nap.

Carter has been "reading" the new book he got for Valentine's Day from my mom called I Love You Through and Through and it is so simple he can look at the pages and tell me the words on the page because I've made him listen to it so much. He giggles when I giggle at his phrasing.

The way Carter points is really cute. He uses his whole hand with his fingers closed together and his thumb tucked underneath the palm of his hand but still pointing the same direction as his fingers.

When Carter names off all of his Cars cars he goes like this: a Doc, a Siwy, a Mers, a Been, a Chicks. . .(can you guess which ones were named?) and his voice rises on the 'a' part and falls on the name part and he does it pretty fast. Sometimes I make him do it just so I can hear it.

I love love love that Anderson is a thumb sucker. He's been snuggling up some nights before we go to bed and he'll lay against me with his thumb in his mouth and his blanket over us. Hmm, peace. And then sometimes he'll go a little nutso and brush his face back and forth into my sternum and then go back to snuggling and sucking his thumb. It's pretty funny to watch.

Anderson does this thing with his tongue--he'll stick it out a tiny bit and curl it up with a point on his upper lip and just hang out like that.

This sometimes gets obnoxious and probably will prove to be a life threatening habit, but Anderson is a diver. By that I mean if he sees something he wants he'll dive forward or sideways for it, even if that means he'll fall off your lap, so you always have to be aware of what he's up to.

Anderson's eyes are his best feature. His eyelashes are so long already and his eyes are big and round and blue. And they really don't even squint when he smiles, they just light up.

I'm sure I could have thought of things all night but I must have dozed off eventually!


foreveryoung said...

So sweet! This is the list that you need to read when your kids aren't being oh-so-angelic :) It's what makes all those hard days worth it!

foreveryoung said...

Oh Diana, don't you worry. There is a reason why I haven't had any more kids yet. The memory of trying to go in public with a 2 yr old and a baby are still too fresh! Life will get easier, trust me! Your kids are always dressed so cute, too. I didn't realize how fun boys can be to shop for.

Rohm Family said...

owen is so into cars now too- he also lines them all up and says "fast race car sally, fast race care lightning, fast race car wingo...." I love how he says all their names too- it's so cute. He asks everyday for "mean chick hicks" we can't find it anywhere! If you see it at your target will you send it to me?