March 20, 2007

Anderson is 6 months!

We were supposed to make a trip to Travel Town today, which is a park with nothing but trains, but our plans were foiled by rain. Boo! I guess we get what we deserve since last week we were ready to hit the pool in 90 degree weather! It may be all for the better so I can catch up on this post and not get too behind with the pictures. Last Wednesday Anderson turned 6 months old! I've been told to enjoy the baby time as it goes by all too quickly and I'm trying, I'm really trying because time really is slipping away from me. I have to look at pictures to try to remember what Anderson was like when he was first born and brand new and sweet smelling. Not that he's not any of those now, but he's just so different because he's so big and can do so many more things than just eat, sleep, and poop. He is a great sitter and only occasionally topples over now, but we still surround him with pillows just to be sure. Yesterday he was doing some tummy time and Carter surrounded him with pillows because he's so used to that look now. It's amazing what 2 year olds pick up on. He's great at smiling and laughing. His giggles still have to be forced out of him, but we're all getting pretty good at getting them out. I like to tickle his thighs while Carter just tries to terrorize him while he's in his excersaucer, but most of the time Anderson just thinks his brother is terribly funny. You should see the way Anderson's eyes light up when he sees his brother and especially when Carter pays attention to him. It's adorable to see the roles of big brother and little brother already setting in. (Here's a picture for you Wes, the sibling kiss! Sometimes you can't plan the picture, you have to wait for the candid moments so the background and clothing isn't just right, but the affection and surprised sibling look is just as priceless!) Anderson is also eating 3 meals of solids a day now. He gets quite the variety and it's no secret that he's not that picky--just look at those thighs and the fat roll on top of his knee! He likes bananas, applesauce, peaches, pears, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes and squash always combined with some sort of cereal. He'll start carrots sometime this week. I just love it when after a few months of eating yellow veggies babies get the glow on their cheeks and nose. I'm waiting for Anderson to get it, too. Anderson can now roll with ease, though he's not using this ability as a mode of transportation yet, he simply does it to annoy us at night when he disturbs himself by rolling from his tummy to his back and wakes himself up. Typically, I'm up rolling him back over at least twice in a night. It's only when he's playing during the day that he knows how to roll from his back to his tummy. Well, I can hear my little guy making noises in his bed so I'd better go get him before he wakes up his brother, who by the way woke up this morning at 5:30 and didn't really go back to sleep. The only thing that kept me from being angry (because Marc was leaving for a peds clinic in south LA at 5:45, so at 5:30 I couldn't go back to sleep and make Marc take Daddy duty) was that apparently, Carter walked out of his bedroom without his diaper on which was shocking to Marc since he wasn't paying attention and went to check to see if he needed an emergency diaper change. Surprise! No diaper. You just never know what to expect next with children!


foreveryoung said...

so cute! You're going to love having all of these details written down, because like you said, time really does fly! You're such a great mom!

Rohm Family said...

Anderson's eyes are so big- he is so cute. I want Leah to stay little - but at the same time I can't wait untill she is older so I can see what her little personalty is like.