March 30, 2007

Travel Town, Doctors Appointment & Meal Time Stories

In my attempt to keep my life and everything around me organized, I usually try to keep my blog topics to one thing, but it is simply impossible sometimes so we get three topics today.

The first--our Travel Town outing that got postponed last week because of rain was rescheduled for this week and yea! on Wednesday we woke up to the sunniest, warmest day we'd seen for a few days. When we take outings, we sometimes move all the car seats to my friend's SUV and go together, but Anderson's 6 month checkup was immediately afterwards so we drove ourselves. It wasn't exactly as exciting for Carter as watching a show en route with friends, but we made it a quick trip, about 20 minutes--from the 118 to the 170 to the 134--and we were there! For those of you who have roots here or in any large city with lots of highways you might appreciate that. Travel Town wasn't a very large park, but it was large enough to keep the 2 year olds entertained for over 2 hours, climbing in and out of the trains with parental help of course since they are pretty dangerous, running around the little museum with the other old fashioned vehicles (which proved a perfect stopping point for all of us to feed our younger children) and crashing the Thomas store to play with the train sets they have out. We topped it all off with a train ride around the park. Carter was in train heaven! One of the trains used to travel around the Santa Maria area where Marc is from so of course we had to get a picture of that (I forgot to have the flash on so it's a little blurry!)

After the train ride, which we waited and waited for because the park had closed the ride due to tree trimming and branch clearing, we high tailed it to the doctor (again, a decent freeway ride from the 134 to the 101, this time through traffic caused mostly by people not knowing how to move their vehicles like they were made to move). There, we found out that Anderson is a hefty 21 pounds and 27 inches long and Carter is barely over 30 pounds and barely over 3 feet tall. The bad news--Anderson has an ear infection and we didn't even know it--he's been a little fussy but not a fever to speak of so how was I supposed to know? Don't our bodies usually tell us (or our mother in this case) that we are sick? He is now medicated, but not being any less fussy so we'll see how time smooths that bump in the road. The doctor did confirm that he does have 4 teeth just dying to cut through the gums, just as we suspected so I guess we're just biding our time for that, too.

As for the meal time stories, I have one for each boy. Because this is my first successful go around with nursing, (fyi, we only lasted 2 days with Carter, so this time around has definitely worked out better for all of us) this is my first time dealing with the fun times of biting. Most everyone I know has nursed and in listening to my friends, I have heard you just have to train your baby not to bite by giving them a little flick and stern 'no biting' and discontinue the feeding session, all of which I have done. Well, the gnawing began a few months ago when Anderson didn't have teeth yet, and Anderson thought it was hysterical when I'd flick his mouth. He'd just look at me and grin and clearly not get the point! He quit the gnawing/biting after his teeth came in but last Friday he started again. This time, his sense of humor wasn't as in tact as before because this picture is the aftermath of the flick. I've never seen him so sad ever so I had to take a picture before shushing and rocking him. I just think it's the wettest picture I've ever seen--even his hair looks wet he's so sad!
This morning, bright and early after a morning run, I had to hit the grocery store because we are out of Carter food--fruit snacks, cheese, fruit, chicken nuggets, etc. When I was picking up his chicken nuggets I found the box of mini corn dogs that our grocer hasn't carried since who knows when, but Carter loved them ages ago when I could find them so of course I picked them up. I was again, out running errands at lunch time so Carter ate with his dad. When I got home Marc told me to ask Carter what he had for lunch. Since he hasn't eaten corn dogs since he began speaking he didn't really know what to call them so he named them a combination of two foods he does know. He had 'opcorn dogs' for lunch. Popcorn dogs! Love it!


foreveryoung said...

I am so jealous of your travel city! Jayden would think that he had died and gone to heaven! I hope Anderson's ears get better, poor kid.

Rohm Family said...

having just returned from Cali- I uderstand your highway victory. I don't know how you drive in all that- you are not going to miss the trafic when you move :)