September 11, 2012

Just Another Day in Paradise

Tonight I'm tired.  Physically exhausted.  But I'm also emotionally spent.  In circumstances like these I know I do this to myself but I can't help the last few weeks I've experienced two people--TWO--commenting in a negative fashion about my having 4 kids.  Today I had one of those experiences.  It makes me all sorts of crazy mad and I have a hard time letting it go. 

I checked out a while ago.  Marc has put the kids to bed while I sat here looking at pictures of my kids.  They make me happy. 

{this photo doesn't look like much, but I see my whole family in it.  we must have lounged the morning away sometime when ella was teeny tiny because here we are in bed, me behind the camera, christian with marc's hand on his shoulder, ella's baby head, anderson smiling down on her and carter watching the tube at the foot of my bed. i'm betting that was a lovely morning}

{can you not help but laugh at this one---3 boys in swimming goggles ready for the pool.}

{i follow nienie's blog.  everyday she posts a picture of her chubby baby girl and everyday i envy those chubby baby cheeks.  but this picture reminds me that once-upon-a-time, even if it was ever so brief, ella had chubby baby cheeks.}

{christian is a silly silly boy.  case and point: the above two pictures. i guess the stairs were a perfect sized blanket snuggle spot for this two year old one day.}

{and this picture has been my phone screen saver for so long.  it makes me smile every time i see it.  it's an old picture, she is certainly much more shaggy and un-kept these days but look at that brown eyed girl.  she's a beautiful blessing.}
I guess instead of being mad at those people I should thank them for allowing me these moments of affirmation. 


Colleen said...

Your children ARE beautiful! People's problems with others come from their own issues and insecurities. Don't let them make theirs yours! You are amazing, Diana, and I am so glad to know you!

Robin said...

Ignore the haters. You are so blessed to have a beautiful family and if you were my daughter I'd be begging you to have more! MORE! Ike would like you to have more too! :)

We love you guys.

Allison said...

Those swimming goggles... So funny and that little girl is so pretty. I love it and wish Connor and her could hang out.

Just Amanda... said...

Oh, I follow your blog.. And your stories about your children and the pictures bring me so much joy.. Those little people are a blessing, and those smiles show they think you are pretty amazing too.. I cannot imagine life without my 4 kiddos.. Yep I have 4 of them too.. Some people must be so lonely and so miserable and want to share it. Hold your head up and keep blogging, you have way more lovers than haters.


Katie Moore said...


I just had a quick question in regards to your website. If you could email me at your convenience that would be great!



Katie Moore said...


I just had a quick question in regards to your website. If you could email me at your convenience that would be great!

