August 21, 2012

Everyday Monday

Yesterday I witnessed a very tender moment between my two oldest.  I'm SURE they didn't think it was tender but I did and I'll let you, my fellow mothers be the judge:

It was the fourth day of school.  I decided instead of walking the boys to school, I'd get a jump on the day by dropping the boys off in the Kiss-and-Go lane, then head straight to the gym.  I asked Anderson if he was comfortable with this.  Since it was his first time getting to school this way it was important for me to know he felt secure with this plan.  Carter's been doing this for 2 years so I wasn't as worried about him.  Both felt fine so off we went. 

Side note:  This summer, Marc's parents brought him a few boxes filled with sentimental things he had collected as a child.  He got rid of a lot of it and consolidated his old baseball cards into one box because he's convinced they are worth money.  I'm skeptical.  Carter was at his side as he sorted and sifted through his things and became attached to a few items, one of which is a bead necklace.

The boys hopped out of the van, backpacks in hand, and took a few steps towards the school. Then they stopped and here's the moment:  I saw Carter hand the necklace to Anderson and turn around exposing the back of his neck.  Anderson, who is shorter than Carter by about half a head, wrapped the necklace around Carter's neck and twisted the clasp for him.  Then they caught me watching them, I would have already been gone on a normal day, so I waved and drove off.

Tender, right?  It made my heart swell. 

Then, I flipped radio stations.  Darius Rucker's It Wont' Be Like This For Long was on.  Needless to say, I had to wipe a few tears away before heading into the gym. 


Colleen said...

Awww! I love brothers! Definitely tender. <3

Allison said...

So sweet. I love those boys.

Anna said...

I'd never heard that song before. Totally cried. 10 days until Kindergarten.