April 12, 2011

Quote of the Day

I bought Anderson a Happy Meal on the way out of Walmart this afternoon. When we got home and were eating lunch, Anderson said to me, "I wish I were a french fry." He was dipping a french fry in ketchup as he said this. I immediately thought to myself how he fascinates me--I wonder what goes through his head all the time if this was just one moment in time. Of course I followed his question with, "Why do you wish you were a french fry?" His response: "I want to know what it feels like to be dipped in ketchup." Oh how I love the mind of my 4 year old. In other news, he held my shopping list for me while we were in Walmart and when we were in the produce section he pointed to one of my items and asked--does this say "tomato?" It did. Then I watched him point to the word and sound it out again. Ugg. I wish he would stop growing up.


WhitParks said...

Oh this is a good cute sweet little boy story. A story right up my life's ally. Miss you.

Allison said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh that boy makes me laugh so hard. Can't wait to hear some of those things come out of Connor's mouth :0