December 31, 2010

Energizer Bunny

I bet when you opened this you expected to read a post on Anderson or Carter. Maybe even Christian (who thankfully for the time being isn't quite mobile!). But no, this one goes out to Marc.

The other night we were out with friends. I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. Seriously my cheeks ached on the way home. Sometime during the evening, I heard Marc telling a fellow husband what he did on his day off that week. He had painted the doors and trim for our basement, stained the banister, taken the boys on a hike, and done a few other odds and ends before calling it a day. Our friend asked him where he got all of his energy. That got me thinking. Where does he get all his energy? My goodness. You want to know what I did that day? I had intended to do any number of things but all I did was sort laundry and do a few loads and go grocery shopping. I laid in bed most of the morning because hey, when your husband is home to take care of everything else why not, right? No, I was a little sick that morning but still. The amount of energy he has simply exhausts me right now.

He has today off, too. Hurray! (On a side note, I have no idea how I'm going to go back to a regular work week when he's been getting 3 or 4 day weekends for the last 3 weeks. I've been so spoiled compared to years past.) This morning we woke up and started painting the basement some more. Most of it was done a few weeks ago (by Marc) but now that the trim is done and the carpet is in, we have a lot of touch up work to finish. We worked all morning. This time I was well enough to help and we worked for 3 hours or so. When Christian woke up from his morning nap, Marc decided to take a break to go to the bank and open savings accounts for the boys and make the last of the Christmas returns. As he was leaving, he grabbed Christian out of the exersaucer and put his coat on him. I was surprised. I avoid running errands with all 3 boys like the plague. Oh, I do it. But I don't love to do it and I if I find myself having to do it it's one short errand and then back home, but Marc gladly does it just to make my life easier. And that's the other thing, not only does his amount of energy exhaust me, but I feel so undeserving of the spoiling, too. If I couldn't get to something because I ran out of energy, he gladly does it. The bathrooms, the mopping, the groceries, dinner. You name it, he'll do it. Without resenting the fact that I might be laying in bed or watching TV.

So, while he's out with the 3 boys in the snow and running errands, I better do something better with my time than blog. Like clean the kitchen. Or dust. Or finally get to cleaning the bathrooms that have been waiting on me all week.

1 comment:

Julie said...

:) I always enjoy reading your posts. Can we bottle some of his energy? Be sure to post about that appointment coming you!