January 06, 2011

The Peanut and The Princess

In 2006, when Anderson was this little guy, I saw that blanket at target and HAD to have it. It was the perfect shade of green, reversible, and so soft. It was $10 or so and on a student budget, perhaps something I could have lived without but I didn't want to live without it so I bought it. Sadly, about 2 months ago, it got lost somewhere between the doctors office and our house. It's a mystery as to where it is and I'm a little sad about it.
About a year after I bought the green one, I saw the pink one on sale for $6. Since I loved the green one so much and thought perhaps I might have a girl someday and since we were no longer on a student budget, I picked that one up--I think it might have been the very last one on the shelf. It's been in storage ever since.
. . . . . .

Last year, (you might remember,) when we found out Christian was a boy, I cried. For a day. Maybe two. But certainly, I cried through the entire doctors appointment that followed the ultrasound. It was embarrassing and looking back I can't figure out why. Christian is the sweetest baby around and I certainly wouldn't trade him for all the girls in the entire world. But as I prepared for our ultrasound that was yesterday, I told Marc I did NOT want a repeat. So we concocted a plan. And the plan was this:

We'd provide the ultrasound tech with an envelop and and a piece of paper on which to circle girl or boy. We would open the envelop after the doctors appointment so that I could focus on any information the doctor needed to share with us instead of the emotions of finding out the gender. Marc took the plan a little farther and told me he and the boys would open it as soon as they left the ultrasound and while I visited with the doctor, he would take them to the store, buy gender appropriate party supplies, and take the boys home to prepare and wait for me. And that's how it went.

When I got home from the doctor, the boys were holding numbered yellow balloons. Marc had stuffed a word in each balloon and as I popped each balloon in order the words formed this sentence:

Congratulations. You are about to become the mother of a beautiful, little, gorgeous. . .

(as I opened the word gorgeous I looked at Marc with wide eyes and he just told me to keep popping balloons!)

. . .baby GIRL!

Marc also bought a Tangled party poster and a little pink sign that said, Party Girl. I didn't even notice those as I was popping balloons.

I cried. A lot. And as soon as we're ready to put the nursery together, that pink polk-a-dot blanket will be coming out of storage and become a permanant fixture in our house.

. . . . . .

The boys are THRILLED. In fact, Anderson bounced out of bed this morning, which is against his nature. When I asked him why he was so happy he said, Because we're getting a girl.

Carter has said three really really funny things about it yesterday:

1. With a groan, she's going to be sooo spoiled.
2. Again, with a groan, now we're going to have barbies in our house.
3. What are you gonna call her. Christian's already the peanut. I told him she'd probably be the princess.

Christian just looked at me when I found out it was a girl with these eyes that said he had known all along.

And Marc had to jet straight back to work and then went straight to scouts for 3 meetings last night and since he's not an emotional guy anyway the only thing I can get out of him is that yah, he's excited but he would be excited either way.

And don't get me wrong, yesterday was one of the happiest days I've had in a very long time, but all of a sudden I'm stressed. I have NO IDEA how to buy baby clothes for a girl. I was online at The Children's Place for no more than a minute and a wave of stress washed over me when I saw this dress:

Marc is going to wonder why I can't just simply be happy.
PS--I'm finally excited to be pregnant!


Saquel25 said...

Congratulations! Such exciting news. Observing your journey through your blog it's fun to see how things are meant to be. I think it was known somewhere out there that I couldn't handle the emotional journey you've experienced at all well so I got my daughter right out of the gate so I could put that to bed. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how much you're going to love having a little Princess. She's sure to be as gorgeous as your boys.

jkhuber said...

Yay! Little girls are lots of fun! I'm so thrilled for you!

Cumorah said...

Hip hip hooray! I am sure you will have zero problem shopping for girlie clothes. 1. You are a very stylish little mommy 2. there are three times as many options for girls as there are boys, and 3. It's soooo much fun! Congratulations! What a fun way to find out. Princess will be adorable, I'm sure!

Anna said...

Congratulations!!!! Girls are so much fun. I don't know what I'm having yet and am terrified of having a boy. What do I do with a boy?

daveanddebbie said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you. Great job Marc at making it fun to find out!

TIFF said...

YAY!!!! I am SOOOO happy for you, I know how much you've been hoping for a little princess! Just beware....shopping for little girls can be dangerous! Yay for pink clothing! She's going to be very protected growing up with 3 older brothers! CONGRATS!

Jennifer said...

That is AWESOME! So happy for you!

Natalie N said...

NO WAY!!!!!! I was just telling Tyler last night that I wondered when you & Marc were finding out what gender your baby was. This was such fun news to read!! Kudos to Marc for making it a fun experience for you. I can't stop smiling. :)

I loved reading Carter's comments about Barbies and stuff. Heaven knows he (and all the brothers, for that matter) will love protecting and taking care of their baby sister.

What a JOYful day!! Congrats to you guys. I can't wait to tell Tyler the news.


Dan and Katie said...

YAY!!! Nicole just had her little girl a couple days ago! I am so excited for you, that little girl is so lucky to have 3 awesome older brothers...and great parents :) Now I need to hear your name ideas!

nicole said...

I started crying as soon as I read that it's a girl. I'm so so so so happy for you. You are going to have so much fun with a girl. I just have one tiny warning. You know how we are 30 years old and still emotional wrecks? Well multiple that by a thousand and you have a 2-year-old little girl. But at least they're dressed head to toe in adorable princess clothes and bows and necklaces as they're having their emotional meltdowns. :)

foreveryoung said...

Yay for pink!!! So excited for your and your cute family. I find out on Monday what I'm having and am keeping my fingers crossed for a girl too (I know I already have one, but I'm being selfish :) When is your due date? I'm June 13th.

Colleen said...

I just remembered to check in and see the verdict...I am SOSOSO happy for you! I am sure you are absolutely thrilled! Pink, ponytails, ruffles and ribbons! Hooray! You're going to figure out the shopping for baby girl clothes with ease. :)

Misty said...

I'm crying! I am so happy for you. There is something so amazing about raising another little person to be what you are: a mother. It is truly unique and wonderful. And you guys make such cute boys, I can't wait to see what your gorgeous girl looks like! Congrats!

R A C H A E L said...

I am so happy for you!! Little girls are so much fun! She is going to be a very protected little girl! Congrats!!

Livingstone Family said...

I am so happy for you, I can't even tell you! Girls are the best and so much fun. I am so glad I have my boy ... but I seriously love my girls. Congratulations!!

Koren said...

I can't believe I saw you briefly yesterday and didn't ask! I totally understand about the ultrasound thing, I did the same exact thing! I am so excited for you, I started tearing up. Yay for pink!! This little girl is going to be so spoiled and she's going to be tough with such great big brothers!

Amber said...

How exciting!! I'd be happy to shop for girl stuff with you!!

wackywilsons said...

What sweet joy....I am thrilled for you. Maybe I will get a princess too someday!

Britney said...

This is fantastic news all around! Your family is so adorable, and a new baby girl will make it even more so. I am so happy for your family! Congratulations!

Colorado Smarts said...

Congratulations!!! I loved reading your post and how you shared everything. What a fun and exciting day for you and your family.

Robbins Family said...

Congratulations! How exciting! And I love the balloon and party idea. :)