December 01, 2010

Beautiful boys (Darling boys)

I am positively tickled pink (and almost speechless) at how well these photos of my 3 beautiful boys turned out:
A smooch for you, my dear newly turned basketball fanatic.
A smooch for you my dear, stuffed animal lover. (he's gonna get his animal time in whenever he can--and right now it's with the stuffed ones!)
And because he'll still let me and laugh about it--about a hundred million smooches for you my dear, sweet baby.


Berly said...

LOVE THEM!! Such brilliant colors and such handsome boys.

Natalie N said...

GORGEOUS!! What sweet little men you have!

Colleen said...

Beautiful pictures! Your boys sure are handsome little guys. And CONGRATULATIONS on the upcoming arrival of #4! You are going to be a perfect mom of 4. And I know plenty of moms who had 3 boys and then the 4th...should I even say it? :) Either way, I know you are going to be overjoyed, because you and I, we know how awesome it is to be a boy mom. Sending healthy pregnancy thoughts your way!