August 31, 2010

(It's Almost) September Morn

There's only one more day one more day one more day. That's the chant that's running in my head now. There's only one more day one more day one more day.
August is almost over and thank heavens for that. September has got to be a better month than August. It just has to. I was telling a friend yesterday a brief rundown of August. It may have sounded like I was complaining. I really wasn't. I just cannot believe how badly the month has gone. And again, as I type, my middle child is at the ER with his daddy. He came down with croup the other night, has been on meds for 2 days but again woke up at 3:43 am gasping and wheezing, desperate for air. He cried for a blessing. Then medicine. And after 15 minutes, through his tears and fear he begged for the doctor. So off they went to the ER. I heard the urgency in the way Marc pulled out of the driveway. Croup usually doesn't scare me, but I guess we haven't had it quite this bad before. So I'm off to lay in bed, wait for a phone call and an update, and continue chanting: there's only one more day one more day one more day.
Update: Anderson was admitted into the hospital. He's feeling better but they want to watch him for a bit. Hopefully he'll be home soon.
Update #2: He's staying the night for observation. Apparently he was given the wrong dosage of meds by the urgent care dr. we saw on Sunday so they want him under observation with the right meds. Cross your fingers for an uneventful night and a discharge early in the morning!


wackywilsons said...

I just got caught up! A few things; why did you leave facebook?

I loved that picture of the running moose. Seriously hilarious.

I think you looked especially fit in your hiking gear. I am so impressed with Carter. What a real trooper.

First day of 1st grade! It's such a big deal.

I hope you don't have any more trips to the E.R. This better not be the beginning of some crazy boy years ahead of you!

Natalie N said...

Oh girl! I am wishing you a FABULOUS September that will wash out all of August's drama. What a crazy month for you guys! Glad you're documenting all of these stories. When Anderson gets older, he won't believe all that has happened to him in such a short amount of time! :) Happy September!!