August 26, 2010

Odds and Ends

I'm sorry about that last post. Anderson's trip to the ER was just the last straw. I had to get it out. Things turned out okay--They came home with two x-ray pictures of Anderson's stomach with a great big coin in it. Now we're just waiting and watching for it to come out if you know what I mean. And I'm trying not to think about the ER bill that is coming our way.

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I love these boys, my sisters boys and my own, minus the babies:

Her house in Utah needs to sell ASAP so they can move closer to me and I can see them more.

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Here's Anderson just moments before he fell and broke his wrist--he was climbing up the ladder to the diving board (not the platform) in the back of the picture.

Here's what we were doing when Anderson fell from the ladder: taking a picture of Carter going off the smaller diving board. I feel great about that, let me tell you.

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I'm looking at my September calendar. It's already completely full. Among other things, we have a doctor's appointment 4 out of the 5 weeks, Marc starts football coverage, Carter has Landsharks twice a week and soccer once a week, Anderson has soccer once a week, and I'm hoping to take a swim class at the Y (anyone want to join me?) twice a week. The month is going to FLY and then it's October. Then November. Then December?!?! Where did 2010 go?
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Did I mention we almost hit a moose on our vacation? This moose jumped in front of our car. Marc jumped out of the car, took some pictures, then remember that a moose will charge so he ran back to the safety? of our van.

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This is my life:

Yep, that's a He-man guy hanging from my blinds. Incidentally, that's probably a scene Marc's mom saw 25 years or so ago when he and his older brother played with this exact same toy and all the other ones my boys have now inherited.
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I said sianara to Facebook. FYI.

1 comment:

Dan and Katie said...

Hey! I was thinking about you as I drove home from my YW meeting tonight...I hope things are going better. They sound like they are. Is Danette moving to CO? :)