August 22, 2010


On August 3rd, our house got struck by lightening. We were vacationing in Idaho so we came home to a fried modem and computer mother board, a fried furnace mother board, a fried satellite dish, a fried garage door opener.
Also, while on vacation in Idaho, Anderson fell from a diving board ladder. He broke his wrist.
Our refrigerator has been leaking water once a day since Friday. Just when Marc found time to look into the problem tonight, Anderson decided to swallow one of those new commemorative gold dollar coins. He is now in the ER waiting room with Marc.
I'm so overwhelmed I actually just feel numb.


Julie said...

Oh no!! I'll keep you all in our this point maybe that's all you can do. hope it gets better soon.

Dan and Katie said...

Holy Cow! That is crazy! That is so much all at once!

ixoj said...

Oh dear! Good luck with all that...

Saquel25 said...

I know it's not much comfort but these things always happen at once. I don't know why but I've seen it a lot. You will I am sure have a very quiet life for a long while after all this settles down. And another things is that boys really put you through the ringer. Spencer has had two sets of urgent care visits for head wounds since May and also broken open his chin which we doctored up at home to avoid a third visit. I literally hold my breath every time he goes outside to play. It's a dangerous club, being mother to boys, but we're with you and know how you feel. :)

Cumorah said...

Oh my lands! Send some kids my way so you can breathe for a minute!

Natalie N said...

Oh my word! I am feeling numb for you too. Is Anderson better now? What a scare! Please post more details when you have a minute. Thinking of you and hope things calm down for your family soon.