July 18, 2010

Things You Should Know About Christian--2 Month Edition

First things first, let's play a game. Which picture is Christian? Which picture is Anderson?
Update: WOW! You guys are good--Anderson is on top. Christian is on bottom. Sorry, Sarah! Based on what I have told people, you made a pretty good guess. My fault--I should not rely on my memory when comparing my babies!! Pictures tell a different story.

I've been thinking all along that Christian looks exactly like Carter did when he was a baby but when I saw this picture I knew exactly which picture I had of Anderson that looked identical and I remember exactly what we were doing when I took it--Marc and Carter were on an overnighter to his parents' house in Santa Maria and Anderson and I were having some baby/mama time in SoCal. Oh, how I miss those days.

Did you guess? I'll let you know in a few days, just 'cuz I want to see who guesses right!

It's hard to believe the babe is 2 1/2 months old already. It seems like Christian has been part of our family forever and all the while I feel like the last 2 months have gone by in a blink of an eye.
Two things you should know about Christian at 2 months:
1. He is destined to be a thumb sucker. He still has a hard time finding it if he's on his back but if he's on his tummy it goes right in.
2. He's been sleeping through the night for 5 weeks. Not only do I consider Christian to be the best baby on the planet, I'm probably the luckiest mom on the planet, too!
At his 2 month appointment he was 11 pounds 10 ounces and 23 inches long. A whole 3 pounds lighter than Anderson was at that age. He's my teeny guy whose actually quite average.


Saquel25 said...

I think I would guess that Christian is the top photo because you've mentioned that he has the most hair of any of your kids by this age and he looks to have more hair. Also he looks a tiny bit less chubby. But to be very honest I'm going on the things you've said to me and not their gorgeous little faces which are are extremely similar. Bless their hearts!

Anne said...

My first guess was the second picture is Christian. But I really don't know!

Danette said...

top is A bottom is C

Julie said...

I think the top one is Anderson and the bottom one is Christian...Christian seems to have lighter hair...and the top one is how I remember Anderson :)

Dan and Katie said...

I think the 2nd one is Christian.

jkhuber said...

I think the top is Anderson and the bottom is Christian. Both are adorable!

daveanddebbie said...

I guess that the top one is Anderson, bottom is Christian.

Allison said...

First is Anderson and second is Christian.