July 07, 2010

Yesterday. . .

when I caught a glimpse of the shirt Marc will wear on his annual trek up Pikes Peak with his co workers this weekend. . .(his boss has shirts made for all the hikers. . .and it's more about the hike than about the shirt but the shirt sparked the emotion)

when I couldn't do anything to console my babe after he got his 2 month immunizations. . .

when I watched Marc open and power up his new Blackberry. . . (a perk for being a partner, I suppose)

when on a whim I tried the skirt on that I wore on the day we blessed Anderson and it didn't fit. . .(Anderson was the same age on that day as Christian is now)

the sacrifices seemed too great, the burdens too heavy. So I went to bed early hoping I'd feel better this morning. I didn't.

So today. . .

I threw myself into my work. Among all the smaller, organizational things I did, I:

-washed/dried 7 loads of laundry
-cleaned 3 bathrooms
-vacuumed 1/2 of my house
-prepared 3 healthful meals (plus the 6 I fed Christian)
-sewed 2 buttons on pillow covers
-read 3 books to the boys

I'm still feeling gloomy but hopefully tomorrow with another list of things accomplished I'll be feeling better.


Saquel25 said...

Writing and checking off "to do" lists always make me feel so much better. Unfortunately with everything that went on with me today (Spencer split his head open AGAIN), I still have Oliver's pee on my bedsheets and I'm about to go to bed! Look after yourself :)

wackywilsons said...

I appreciate your honesty! I feel so much better after doing SOMETHING for myself, or the house, or whatever.

Sometimes food helps.

Sometimes it doesn't.

Can you go out for a run yet?

Natalie N said...

Good for you -- that you just forgot yourself and went to work. That is so hard--especially on those days when we just don't feel up for it. Know that I'm thinking of you and hope things get back into their groove for you soon. Keep up the great work, girl!