July 27, 2010


Oh, the D-readed day has arrived! I've turned into my mother. (No offense mom--read on!)

It was Halloween 1988. I guess it could have been 1987 or maybe 1986 but it was Halloween. I know that for sure. A Halloween when we lived in our blue house on Ogontz Street. I was an elementary school-er and the magic of the holiday gave me butterflies. Isn't the magic of Halloween nearly the same as that of Christmas for an 8 year old? I think so.

That was back in the day when your mom picked you up from school, took you home, you scarfed down your lunch and dressed in a frenzy and then your mom hurried you back to school for an afternoon of celebrating. Oh, how I miss those days! I wish the schools celebrated Halloween the same way now.

It seemed that the clock ticked ever so slowly from the time I hopped off the bus to the time we could go trick-or-treating and get all that CANDY! This particular Halloween was no different. And horror struck when dinner was served just a little while before it was time to hit the street running. I am not and have never been a picky eater but growing up there were two dishes that my mom made that simply turned my stomach: tamales and what I now call zucchini marinara. My mom served zucchini marinara that evening. I sat in front of my plate and whined and complained and whined some more. But I knew I wouldn't be going out that night unless I ate my dinner so I choked it down. Bleh. I have since vowed to never serve my kids something they hate before something as special as trick-or-treating. (I'm hoping to stick to that vow!) Wait. . .if I'm thinking really hard, tamales might have been what I gagged down that night, but I digress.

Fast forward 20 + years. We were invited to dinner a few months ago--back when I was pregnant and close to my due date. My friend served zucchini marinara. She served it over noodles. And I stuffed myself silly. It was so yummy! I just remembered this dish last week and have made it twice now. My poor boys. Though, Marc and Anderson gobbled it up so maybe it's not such a sad story for them. It's whats for dinner tonight, too. Served with Crispy Parmesan Chicken.

Zucchini Marinara

2 medium zucchini, sliced into 1/4 " circles
1/2 jar of Prego
salt and pepper
4 oz. mozzarella cheese

Layer zucchini at the bottom of a casserole dish. Season with salt and pepper. Pour sauce over the zucchini then sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes until zucchini is fork tender but still has a small bite. Serve over cooked pasta--I like angel hair.


Jennifer said...

Loved your blue house on Ogontz. Especially your room. It was very cool!

daveanddebbie said...

Loved it! Thanks for the great (and super easy) recipe.

Kim said...

When I first started reading your post, I thought Oh no! What did I do? You were such a good sport! I'm sure your first thoughts when you saw what we were eating were..."Am I going to be able to choke this down". Glad it turned into a meal to remember.