June 08, 2010

My day old child

My day old child lay in my arms,
with my lips against his ear.
I whispered strongly, "How I wish,
I wish that you could hear,

"I've a hundred wonderful things to say
(A tiny cough and a nod)
Hurry, hurry, hurry and grow
so I can tell you about God."

My day old baby's mouth was still
and my words only tickled his ear,
but a kind of light passed through his eyes,
and I saw this thought appear,

"How I wish I had a voice and words,
I've a hundred things to say,
Before I forget, I'd tell you of God,
I left Him yesterday."

Author Carol Lynn Pearson

Photos by my talented friend Joyana


Dan said...

Ohhh how i wish i was there to see that little one!! He is a cutie. Miss you (this is allison, that would be funny coming from Dan though :) )

wackywilsons said...

i wanna kiss him too!!!

Natalie N said...

Tender pictures! And I love the new header too with all the boys on it. Adorable!!!

Alayna said...

The pictures are gorgeous. He is a beautiful little guy. Congrats!!!