April 13, 2010


Okay Mr. Frog--we're ready and waiting to replace you with our real baby.
Any time now.
The crib is up.
The clothes and blankets are washed.
The car seat has been strapped in by a professional so he will be the safest of our 3 children.
The cleaning is done.
The freezer is almost stocked.
I didn't quite get to knitting his hat, but hope to by the end of the week.
Now, we're just waiting.
You should have heard the boys giggle when I buckled Mr. Frog in. It was music.
P.S. Mr. Frog: I sure hope our baby is smaller than you when he's born.


Julie said...

hang in there. I hope it's soon for you!! I'm thinking about you. btw love the frog.

Elizabeth said...

Diana I am so excited for you! Let me know if I can watch your boys or help out in any way!

Sara said...

That was the fastest 9 months, ever! (for me, anyway :)) You'll be back on the road running in no time!

Natalie N said...

AHHH!! You're getting so close! Glad to hear that the bedding, crib, and car seat are ready to bring your new little man home. Heaven knows he will be much cuter than Mr. Frog! :) I love that your boys got such a kick out of seeing their toy in the car seat. Keep us posted!!

wackywilsons said...

What a sweet post. A great memory for your boys. I am SO GLAD you are ready to go...those who are prepared shall not fear:) You will do great! Good luck!