March 20, 2010

I'm dying. . .

literally dying to be doing a little bit of this today.
Instead, I'm having a bit of a pity party because I can't.
Boo hoo. Sniff sniff.
And while I'm at it, let me tell you I'm also dying to:
sleep on my stomach,
sleep on my back,
wear my favorite pair of jeans with a regular t-shirt,
and feel like myself again.


Jennifer said...

You're not just can't think of anything good to do. Name that movie!!

Danette said...

all in good time... (i'm dying too. a girl in my ward is doing a 10 miler today and i can't stop thinking about it.)

Natalie N said...

Ohhh... the sacrifices our bodies go through to bring another little cute face into this world. There are 2 girls in my ward due in May, and I think of you whenever I see them. You're getting SO close!!! Keep up the great work, Diana. I'm sure you'll be running laps around the hospital once that cute baby comes! :)

wackywilsons said...

Soon more cooking in that sweet oven of yours!

Dan and Katie said...

I feel ya...I can't wait to work out!! And be able to bend over and tie my running shoes :) I am not completely miserable...but pretty dang uncomfortable...5 weeks to go :)

Kim said...

So when you plan your next group race, let me know. I want in!

Robin said...

Pretty soon this pregnancy will be a dim memory. And then you will be running circles around everyone, sleeping on your tummy and dressing to kill (all while caring for a newborn - right?).

nicole said...

I feel like I'm dying too. For the same reason. Except the running one. I always hate running. Anyways, I just made my blog private, so if I haven't sent you an invite and you want one, email me at