April 19, 2010

39 weeks and going nowhere

Today I am 39 weeks pregnant. Or so the Dr. says. I'm a bit skeptical since I know my dates and originally thought my due date was May 3 but when I was 9 weeks I freaked out, thought I was miscarrying and went in for an ultrasound to find the baby had a healthy heartbeat and was measuring 10 weeks instead. Hence, a new due date: April 26th--next Monday. So today I am 39 weeks pregnant and I had my last scheduled doctors appointment before my due date.

It's always an appointment that makes me cry because while some women walk around for weeks dilating and effacing knowing their body is a ticking time bomb, my body doesn't do anything. Not a thing until I'm actually in labor and then I go 0-10 in a day or so. I know my body does this--this is the third time. But I was hopeful anyway as I went to my appointment today. And I was discouraged and hopeless, same as the other two times, when I walked out--when I hear that I'm still going nowhere I feel like I might be the first woman to be pregnant forever.

I've heard that I should just be induced by so many women I can't even count. But I've never had a doctor offer that as an option for me, (even when I cry and act desperate at my 39 week appointment)--since my cervix doesn't make any advanced progress induction increases my risk for a c-section. Last week my doctor thought it might be an option; today he didn't because my cervix was in the exact state I told him it would be in--closed tight. It's okay, I don't really want to be induced anyway but I do get tired of hearing that I should just get induced and getting looks of doubt when I say I can't. I'm not crazy, my doctors (all three different ones) really don't think it's a good idea for me.

My discouragement is multiplied by the fact that my doctor is leaving for Houston to have middle ear surgery on Sunday, the day before my due date and he'll be out for a whole week--until May 3rd, my original due date to be exact. Because I'm not showing any signs of progress we made a plan, one that I'm not sure I can live with: if I haven't had the baby by next Monday, I have an appointment to see one of his partners. If I don't go into labor by myself before he gets back from his surgery he'll induce me on May 3rd or 4th. That's 2 weeks from today-- in other words, an eternity.

On top of all of that, I am getting pressure from different directions to have this baby sooner-- a lot sooner. I have a sister in town until Wednesday so she and my mom REALLY want me to have the baby before then. Marc wants me to have the baby on Saturday. Anderson says many times a day he wants the baby NOW. And I am powerless to oblige any party, really, though I tend to side with Anderson. Now would be nice.

The glimmer of hope only comes when I remind myself I've never been late before, but what if my original due date is really the right one and I really do have 2 more weeks left? *sob.* I just can't bear to think about that.

And for curious eyes, here are my progression shots:

12 weeks

17 weeks

26 weeks

39 weeks

The cheesy grin is caused by Anderson who right as Marc was taking the picture was wandering around with his green blanket over his head and ran right into the bottom stair and wobbled a bit before taking his blanket off to see what he'd run into. Quite like a scene I remember from E.T. Funny boy.
And may I be terribly blunt and beg you not to say "hang in there." That and "at least it's not the middle of summer" are two of the most annoying phrases I've been hearing lately! Thank you, friends.


Anne said...

You look adorable! (really!)
And you are more patient than I am, I've already scheduled my induction for 39 weeks.
Can't wait to see pictures of your little one!

Jennifer said...

My body does the same thing. I hate the women who arrive at the hospital dilated to a 5 and 100% effaced. I usually arrive two weeks overdue and dilated a finger tip. I totally sympathize. Eat ice cream. Buy a new outfit for after pregnancy. Or cute sandals! Keep us posted!

Natalie N said...

I've just got to say that is NOT a cheesy grin in the least--before I read your comment below that last picture, I had the thought, "She looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL." You really do, my friend.

My heart sank as I read your comments about the 39 week appointment. I could feel your heartache. There is nothing more depressing than hoping for the best--that your body will show some sign of having the baby on its way--and then being told that things are the same old. Ugh! And how frustrating to know that your doctor is out of town for the next week and that you could potentially have to wait another 2 weeks! I'm dying for you, girl. In my humble opinion, there is nothing longer than those last days of pregnancy.

Just wanted to give you a virtual hug and let you know that we are wishing you the best!! We're thinking of you often. xoxo

Misty said...

You really do look great! My doctor said the same thing about induction, so good for you for not pushing it. I do feel for you though. Those last few weeks are miserable, especially when you don't progress. I agree with Jennifer, buy yourself something cute! You totally deserve it.

wackywilsons said...

I see that belly and I just wish it were mine! How about that! I want another baby...been trying for months now...so, I guess instead of telling you, "it'll be over before you know it..." I will say, "you are so lucky to be having another baby!"

Something that always makes me feel better is that I would rather have the baby inside me, vs inside an incubator b/c it came out too early. Too many scary things when they come out "uncooked," and your belly is the best thing for him.

You are doing a GREAT GREAT thing and I can't wait to hear more.

Go grab a tub of ice cream and indulge yourself one last time...b/c you CAN!

foreveryoung said...

I loved your comment about being the first woman to be pregnant forever. I remember thinking the same thing. The last couple of weeks pretty much suck, but atleast you look cute :).

Berly said...

You look BEAUTIFUL!! Can't wait to see your new little one. I will be out of town for the next couple of weeks...so your little one will be here by than. YAY!!

Debbie said...

If it makes you feel any better, I will be dilated to a 3 or 4 for weeks, and almost fully effaced and yet I still have to be induced! I'm scared I could go into labor at any time, or have it one in the car like my mom did. 39 weeks is a long time no matter what signs your body is giving you. Let me know if you need help with the boys.

nicole said...

I'm 37 weeks and today at my doctor's appt, she said my cervix is tight and closed. UGH!!!!!!! This sucks.

Colorado Smarts said...

I love how real you are! You are so adorable in all of those pictures and you do look beautiful in your 39 week photo!

So sorry for your disappointment at your 39 week appointment, date confusion, and then the top off that your doctor is going out of town - how frustrating!! Seriously though, I have to agree with your doctor(s) induction doesn't sound the best option for you as long as everything is all right with your baby. It is so hard though when it is family/friends telling you that you should just be induced, but you know your body and I've seen exactly what your doctor is saying about having to have a c-section way too often. Good for you for sticking to your decision!

Best of luck to you during this last stretch of your pregnancy! Know that you are being thought about often! Cannot wait to see pictures!