April 25, 2010

Quote of the Day

We haven't had a quote of the day for quite sometime. Maybe it's because the boys have for the most part outgrown cute little sayings and traded them in for big boy talk which involves shooting, killing, taunting and other such nonsense, but it's more likely because I don't have much of a sense of humor lately. Unfortunately, this big boy talk is also accompanied by a fair amount of potty talk. We've been trying to get the boys to understand what potty talk is and that it is inappropriate and it's helping but the occasional discussion of poop or puke or parts (or farts for that matter) does come up. Today, while I was making dinner and the boys were playing legos on the stairs, I heard them talking about boogers. Ah, ah, ah, guys. That's potty talk. I said. Anderson responds: No, it's tissue talk. Who knew a 3 year old was capable of such logic?

I may not be in the mood to laugh lately, but I just can't help it when I see this picture. My poor boys have such big heads swim goggles are not terribly easy to put on.


Rohm Family said...

uggg D I am so sorry I hate those last days. Isn't it funny- after they're born you wish you could stick em back in for a night- even if you aren't sleeping at least it's quiet. I can't wait to see pix of the three of them together and their round heads :)

Natalie N said...

This picture could win an award. So awesome!! Can't wait to see another goggle-headed boy join the picture... in a few years, of course!