February 09, 2010

Odds and Ends

In case you're wondering, I decided to try Palmer's Cocoa Butter Maternity products. I got the Tummy Butter and the Massage Cream from Motherhood. The smell factor and grease factor are much better than what I was using before. I'm not one of those women who come away with absolutely no stretch marks. My 5 foot something frame is not really built to carry 9 pound babies but it does so I just do my best to keep those pesky marks at bay. And I HATE Motherhood so the only thing I'll buy there is belly cream. The sales ladies are too pushy and I HATE pushy salespeople.


I need to go grocery shopping. Badly. But I don't want to. I'm going to try something new today though--help Carter write out my grocery list. I know it will be easier to do it myself but I'm not so good at getting around to doing his homework with him (don't worry-he doesn't have to turn it in) so I look for other things to do to help him learn the basics.


My friend is helping me refresh my knitting skills so I can knit the baby a hat. After that I'm going to knit all three of my boys matching hats for next winter. I'm so excited.


I'm in severe nesting mode but lack the energy to really get to work. I get a little done here and a little done there. I have an ongoing list of things I want to clean and organize and things I need to get done in the next 11 weeks. The list of things to do is much longer than the list of things I've done. I do have a timeline in my head though:

February--Get the nursery set up and functional. You have no idea how large a task this is, unless of course you are one of the few people that has seen it. Lots of organization and rearranging of other areas and cupboards in the house is required for this to come together. Oh, and a little crafting.

March--knit the baby a hat and begin the spring cleaning process. This includes but is not limited to cleaning windows, light switches and fixtures, and baseboards.

April--finish the spring cleaning process and get some dinners in the freezer.

I'm a little tired just thinking about it.


We still don't have a clue what to name this darling baby boy I'm growing. Marc says it'd be a lot easier if I would just agree to name him what he wants to name him but I just can't. So the search is still on for the perfect name. The problem is we aren't the type of people to just pick a name we really like. There are plenty of names that I like. But I feel like my babies already have names and it's just Marc's and my job to discover that name before he's born. And we only have 11 more weeks to figure this out! Which brings me to yesterday--I was chatting with a friend and she mentioned her baby boy's middle name and a light bulb went off. Awesome. Not a moment later I realized that this name + Phillips is the name of a 80s-90s music group. Blast. And we're back to square one.


We ended up having to buy a new computer last weekend. I hate getting a new computer up and running--reorganizing files etc. Blah.


One of Marc's front desk ladies gave me her recipe for snickerdoodles. I'm addicted.


Have I ever mentioned how much I love my sweet boys? Anderson has been really kissy lately--he'll randomly find me, smile at me, grab my face or my belly and give me a tender kiss. And Carter is always quick to notice if I've put jewelry on, changed my make-up, or curled my hair and lets me know that I look beautiful. They make me smile.

I just re-read my post. Did I use the word HATE too much?


Dan and Katie said...

love the post!

Robin said...

Did I tell you that you look positively angelic 2 weeks ago at church? Your face just glowed as you sat on the stand. Very pretty. Good talk too.

Natalie N said...

Mmmm Snickerdoodles!!! Those are a favorite over there too. Loved the updates. 11 weeks does not sound like a lot of time left. Yikes! Good luck with all the projects you have on your list. I hope a huge swoop of energy comes soon so you feel ready for the baby to come. We are excited for you guys!! :)

wackywilsons said...

I am totally having a hard time getting Wes to do his homework too! The grocery list is a great idea. I love that Carter notices your jewlery and make up...that is adorable.

I think you should name him Wilson! Pretty good name for us:)

I really hope you'll post belly pics soon..I am anxious to see how beautiful and "glowing" you look. I am sure you don't feel it, but you are!!!!

And post pics of your before and after nursery stuff too.

I just wish I lived in CO to help you organize and clean...sigh...