January 22, 2010

Searching for

a good belly/stretch mark preventative cream. I've used a different kind with each pregnancy but I don't love the one I've been using--it's the Burt's Bees brand. I can't remember the ones I used in the past with my other pregnancies. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Dan and Katie said...

Let me know what you find out. I am using that smelly Palmer's cocoa butter

nicole said...

I used palmer's cocoa butter for my first pregnancy and this one, and so far it's worked (fingers crossed)

Leslie said...

With my first I used Gold Bond lotion. And I don't even remember if I used anything with my second. Weird that I can't remember the most recent. That is what having kids does to you! Anyways, the Gold Bond seemed to work. Good luck!

wackywilsons said...

I hope you found some good cream! And is your cold better?