January 15, 2010

I have the worst cold in history. I'm stocked up with Airbourne, Cold eeze, Sudafed, Puffs with lotion, (but with the amount of tissues I've used, the lotion isn't really preventing the chapped red nose I was hoping to avoid) Vicks, and chapstick. I didn't sleep much last night and have to be up and at 'em this morning getting a kindergartner off to school and going to a doctor's appointment for Anderson. But after that, I'm going back to bed. But I have to smile because I found a love note from my sweet Carter at 4:00 this morning when I decided staying in bed was a waste and crawled under a blanket on the couch: I luv yo kus yo luv me kus I am yr sun. fum carter. My nose might be a faucet, my eyes might be swollen and red but my heart is warm and fuzzy.


Allison said...

How sweet! That melted my heart and it wasn't even to me. I love the spelling!

Danette said...

Love that kid. Love him!!!!! Maybe he can write me a love note.

Robin said...

I miss being Anderson's nursery teacher! I hope you are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

that was the SWEETEST! love that little boy & hope you are feeling better :)

wackywilsons said...

That is the cutest thing ever! Get better mama!

Natalie N said...

Awww! That warms my heart; what a sweet boy. Hope you're feeling well now!