December 18, 2009

Number Three

About a month ago, I posted this and meant it with all of my heart.

But on Wednesday when the ultrasound tech said, well guys, it's not a girl, the flood gates opened. Trust me, it wasn't pretty. I'm embarrassed to admit this but hey, I'm nothing if not completely real so I'll say it anyway. I cried for 2 days and went through all 5 stages of grief.

This morning I woke up ashamed. Completely ashamed. And excited. Utterly excited. Because if Marc and I can do one thing right, we can certainly make cute boys.
I'm thrilled that in 4 1/2 months another little boy is joining these guys:

And these guys are so excited because they're naming him Master Splinter. HA.


Misty said...

Diana, I love you! I have to admit, I just shed a few tears for you myself, but you are do make cute boys, and boys sure are fun!

Robin said...

At 5:30 this morning, as we were waiting for Mark, Ike told me it was a boy - he was so excited! When you posted your "I don't care if it is girl or boy" post I thought "right."

Now, your boys may want to reconsider Master Splinter as a name as we will reduce it to Ms. Can I call him Splint?

Dan and Katie said...

Thats a cool name!!!

Alayna said...

Congratulations! You just dodged paying for another wedding! I love Master Graham voted to name our baby "poopy diaper". Master Splinter is definatley better. Congrats again.

nicole said...

Congratulations! And just think of all the drama you're avoiding. My little 16-month-old girl is already a major drama queen.

Natalie N said...

AH! MASTER SPLINTER?!?! I am loving your boys' idea. Diana, I love how you keep it real for us who read your blog. Obviously the big Man upstairs knows that you will be (and already are!) a WONDERFUL mother of beautiful boys. Congrats on another little guy joining the team! Can't wait to "meet" him via cyberspace.

We love you guys!

daveanddebbie said...

I love my boys with all my heart and think they are adorable, but I often think that if I had a little girl she would sit quietly in church, hold my hand in the parking lot, and play quietly in one place (none of which either of my boys seem to be capable of).

Your boys are both darling AND calm and well behaved, so I think 3 boys is a great thing! And just think of all the money you'll save! Congratulations!

wackywilsons said...

Welcome to the boy club!!!! I will admit, my heart was sad too when I found out that our twins were both BOYS (you remember we lost one). Guess we are only boy factories here.

But...I have found that my baby boy is so different in many ways anyway. I am sad that I don´t have ponytails to put up, or a bff, but at least I have sweet boys to turn into gentlemen and they always go with Jared to the boy restroom! I get some time for myself! lol

GramMO said...

We also have three boys. Way back then we didn't find out the sex before hand. I was convinced our third child was a girl. I even got out my own baby clothes, washed them up, and placed them in the nursery closet. I had not done that with the other two. My sister was also pregnant at the same time. When she delivered a boy before me, I quietly packed away the girly things, I just knew Heavenly Father had a boy cousin planned for my sister's, Carson. Sure enough Christopher was born two months later. It was a challenge in someways raising 3 boys, being the only woman in the household of men,(if you didn't count the dog), but there were also benefits beyond belief. One of the finest was seeing them all become fine men and eventually bringing to us our first daughter, Anna, then Shelly and now Alison and most exciting of all out first grandchild, LUCY! (Now we women out number the men and life is GRAND.) We could not have chosen better daughters than the ones our sons picked for us. Even though your daughters are not raised in your own home you can still pray for them each day. Happiness to your family with your new little guy!

ShawnandAshley said...

I love your honesty - you are so sweet! 3 handsome boys will be so great - breaking girls hearts, like my little girls :)
Hope you guys are well, we miss you!

Rohm Family said...

Congrats Diana, you are right you do make beautiful boys, I am so excited for you.

Fiona Lochhead said...
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Vatsala said...
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R A C H A E L said...

Oh! I am so happy for you! I mean, there won't be any bows and pink, but the moment you hold that new little boy, it will be like it couldn't have been any other way.