December 12, 2009

Just so you know. . .

This is where I'm headed.

About a month ago, one of my very kind friends said to me,
Oh, you're one of those cute pregnant women. Look how little you are.

It was a compliment for sure, but here's the thing, I was just starting my second trimester a month ago. So I smiled and said,
Oh, you just wait. I'm not tiny at all.

So for your viewing enjoyment and just so you know, this is where I'm headed:

please ignore my puffy face and my ugly half smile. this is my only belly shot from my entire pregnancy!

May 2004.
One week before Carter was born.
In our basement apartment in Provo.
Wearing one of three shirts that fit.
Unhappily posing for the camera.

please ignore my half closed eyes. this is my only belly shot from the night.
September 2006.
Eight hours before Anderson was born.
Laboring at home in our student housing apartment in Northridge.
Wearing one of those same three shirts that fit in May of 2004.
Smiling between contractions while my two year old rubbed my shoulders.
Proof positive that I'm not one of those cute, little pregnant women. This is where I'm headed folks.


Rebecca said...

Well if you ask me, I think you're a pretty dang cute pregnant lady in these pictures!! Seriously!

Robin said...

Honey. You ain't seen nothin till you see me pregnant (pray that never happens again).

You are darling.

nicole said...

Shut up. You are definitely one of those cute pregnant people. What'd you find out at the ultrasound???

ixoj said...

I think you look lovely. Large-bellied, but lovely!

Natalie N said...

You are hands-down one of those cute pregnant ladies! I'm proud of you for even looking towards the camera! I tend to run and hide when I see the camera while I'm pregnant. Keep the pictures coming!

wackywilsons said...

i think I may have a picture of you from 2004 at the garage sale we did back in provo, do you remember? When I get back to the USA I will check it out...remind me.