November 04, 2009

Quote of the Day

Last year, when I was a diligent blogger, this silly boy's saying were never found in my Quote of the Day posts. That's because he couldn't talk, but after 9 months of speech therapy and a surgery to put tubes in his ears, he talks quite well. Today, I'm featuring my favorite thing he does right now: he emphasizes the past tense in his words. And because we're 5 days into potty training, here's the example I have on my mind:
I pee-ed in the potty.

Side note: I'm such a proud potty-training mom. He went poop last night for the first time on the toilet and I was literally glowing. I'm not going to jinx myself by announcing how things are going in this realm quite yet. Ask me in two weeks. I'll let you know then.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I don't really think it is fair that he looks so grown up! I am sure as a mom you actually feel that more than I do.