November 04, 2009

Expecting. . .

me at 12 weeks
October 11, 2009
If you're wondering where we've been and what we've been up to since September here's your answer: in bed nursing my tired and nauseous body while it grows Phillips Baby #3 and watching the larger part of NCIS' 140 episodes.
I refused to document my last two pregnancies with belly shots because I just get so big, but my shame has lessened and because when I'm old and gray I'll look back on this phase with fond memories I thought I'd stop fighting what most moms traditionally do and take weekly belly shots. Well, I took one and then have forgotten to do it since then. I'm now 15 weeks along and have finally crawled out of bed to get my house put back together after a few months of neglect. I am anxiously awaiting December 16th for our ultrasound and then the end of April or beginning of May when I can snuggle the little person I already love so deeply.


Anne said...

Congratulations! You are just one week ahead of me- how fun! I get to find out the sex on Dec. 3rd- can't wait! I am glad you are starting to feel better, the second tri is usually so much better than the first.

Jonna said...

Congratulations! You are definitely a cute pregnant mommy!

Anna said...


Saquel25 said...

Congratulations! I suspected but it's not something you come out and ask in case you end up looking like a horses #ss if it's not true! You look great for 15 weeks. It's good to get past the crappy stage.

Robin said...

Yay! One more beautiful baby! YOu are a super mom! Can I babysit?

Allison said...

Yeah! we are excited to find out what it is!

Dan and Katie said...

Yeah for blogging! I definitely understand that lack of desire in it though! I am not feeling much better yet, but I know it will come! We should make another Chick-Fil-A!

ixoj said...

Hurrah! Congrats!

heidi bullock said...

yeah! I am so happy for you!! You look great- keep the pix coming. So glad to have found your blog, now I can really stalk you!

heidi bullock said...

yeah! I am so happy for you!! You look great- keep the pix coming. So glad to have found your blog, now I can really stalk you!

Natalie N said...

Woo-hoo!! Welcome back to blogging, and CONGRATS CONGRATS!! You look beautiful! Can't wait to hear what you're having. I can't believe your ultrasound is coming up so soon. :)

And kudos to you for feeling well enough to potty train. That takes some serious energy! Keep up the great work!

Rebecca said...

What exciting news, congrats! You look great...keep taking pics!

Julie said...

Congratulations!! I hope you're feeling better too. You look great!

Misty said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah! How exciting! You are so beautiful! I'm glad you are back to blogging and can't wait to hear more!

Alayna said...

A million congrats! I'm so excited for make a gorgeous pregnant lady!

Colorado Smarts said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am super excited for you and Marc! I cannot wait to hear what you are having. My number 3, little Wendel, has been my best baby and I hope the same for you. Hope you continue to feel better!

Danette said...

I wish i looked as good! :(

Brianne Christopher said...

yeah! congrats. You look so cute. Are you hoping for girl or boy? : )
take it easy.

jkhuber said...

Congrats, you guys!

Mary said...

Yeah! Congrats. Hopefully you will have a girl!

Steve & Paula Leishman said...

I;m sorry, but you really do look adorable!!