November 16, 2009

Oh man. . .That was totally wicked!

About a year ago I decided I would probably never ever see Wicked. It was in LA only briefly before we moved here and then in an unfortunate twist, showed in Denver for only a few days during the exact weekend we moved. So, being a book lover, I settled for the book (which I really don't view as settling--I love the depth that books have and movies lack) and it didn't disappoint. A few months after I finished the book I caught news that Wicked was coming back to Denver for a whole month! I told Marc that if he ever wanted to do something super romantic that he could surprise me with tickets and then I promptly forgot I ever said that. But he didn't and that is the point of this story. My birthday rolled around in July and he almost surprised me with tickets and it's my fault it wasn't a complete surprise--you see I was trying to figure out what he was getting me and it was only then, at least 4 months after our original conversation, that I remembered that Wicked was coming. So back in July, I got two tickets to Wicked which by the way is the best birthday present ever because I got to celebrate on my birthday and then again 4 months later with dinner and a show. And Wicked really didn't disappoint! I want to go again! But since I can't go right away, I might just have to grab my copy of Wicked off of my bookshelf.

And for good measure here is a belly shot of me at just about 17 weeks.

**can you name the movie quoted in the title of my post?


Dan and Katie said...

no idea what movie that quote is from. Jealous though I really want to see wicked! You are a very cute pregnant lady!

Danette said...

incredibles is the movie. i need that dress. where did you get it????? and the coat. where did you get that? seeing pictures of you makes me want to cry! you are so beautiful!

Leslie said...

I didn't like the book at all, but loved the musical! I got to see it this summer in NY when Craig's brother got married. It was my first broadway show...can't beat that! I am glad you were finally able to see it! You are one cute pregnant lady! Congratulations!

Natalie N said...

You look so great, Diana! How fun to see Wicked and celebrate your birthday again. :)

Colorado Smarts said...

What a fun night!! I've heard that musical is amazing. We missed it this time around and I'm hoping it comes again. By the way, you look great!!