March 10, 2009

Marc's taken some flack for the Valentine's Day mishap, but that certainly was not my intent when I wrote about it. Our anniversary is only 2 weeks after Valentine's Day and he had our anniversary plans up his sleeve way before Valentines. Here's what we did:


The Cheesecake Factory was a real treat. We haven't been in years. We made it to the game at half time, which I thought would disappoint Marc, but since they played one of the worst games they've EVER played *literally, Marc looked it up, they've only played one other game as badly since they moved from Minneapolis to LA in 1960, YIKES!* he wasn't too disappointed.


We caught a matinee of He's Just Not That Into You. Cute. We ate dinner at The Blue Star--a trendy fine dining place downtown. We stayed at The Cliffhouse Inn overnight. I think the most romantic thing Marc did was make sure that since he was surprising me and we'd miss our church meetings on Sunday, he made sure that the sharing time I was supposed to give was covered. He thought of everything!
In the recent months I have become more grateful for the life Marc has built for us. He's incredible--I could never have imagined the blessings I would have because I chose to marry him seven years ago.


Rebecca said...

Marc really did think of everything!! Sounds like a very fun weekend! Happy anniversary!

Jennifer Hepworth said...

He definitely redeemed himself! Yay for you guys!

Colorado Smarts said...

Happy Anniversary! Way to plan Marc!

Berly said...

Way to go Marc. I love the cliffhouse inn. it is a great place and I am glad you had a great time.

R A C H A E L said...

What a guy. What an amazing weekend!

I want to try that Blue Star place...

Rohm Family said...

wow what a fun weekend, happy anniversary! I loved your 25 things- I totally do the grocery compare thing too- so funny!

foreveryoung said...

Happy anniversary! What a perfect weekend. Isn't it funny how sometimes it's the little things, like finding a sub for your sharing time, that really mean the most. You've definately got a good one!

Steve & Paula Leishman said...

Thanks for the dinner and was too bad for Marc though!!