January 26, 2009

Hello, My Name is Trouble

This afternoon I was in a sugar induced coma--I ate LOTS of a Maggie Moo's chocolate turtle ice cream cake which was totally worth it by the way--so I took a short nap. Would you believe it if I told you that while I was sleeping Anderson raided my purse and chewed the remaining 12 pieces (sharing only one with Carter) of the package of Positively Pomegranate Orbit gum I bought at Walmart this morning? The wrappers are at the bottom of my purse. The package is in the trash. I have no evidence that the 11 pieces of gum are anywhere but the pit of his stomach. Oh yeah, he's trouble!

PS. He's mad at me right now because I'm telling you this story and ignoring his need for food so he just spit at me. It's okay, you can laugh. I want to.


Allison said...

yes he is trouble but so cute at the same time!

Berly said...

Don't you love it!! Nicole does that all the time and it drives me nuts.

Natalie N said...

A WHOLE pack of gum?!! Unbelievable!