December 11, 2008

Quote of the Day

Anderson has been in speech therapy for about 3 months. When he started he was hardly saying 20 words. Now he says 2 to 3 word phrases all the time. My favorites are:

Bop it now! (Stop it now!)

Momon, Mommy. (C'mon, Mommy-- said while tugging on my leg or arm or pushing my body in the direction he wants me to go.)


Allison said...

Your kids make me laugh :) Wish I could be there to see them more often. I miss them :)

Robin said...

Speech therapy is so cool. I loved our speech therapist. I wanted her job too. When Ike was younger he said all kinds of darling things and I had a meeting with the older kids and told them not to correct him, let him talk like a baby. He speaks well now, but it was so cute to hear him say, or guess at words.

So sweet.

Robin said...

Oh, I am going to add you to my side bar. i like your blog.