November 24, 2008

i tell you what. . .

I wish Taylor Swift had been around 8-14 years ago when I was doing the whole high school-early college thing.

Fifteen-- Seriously captures high school.

Love Song--As a freshman Mr. Delph (ugg, just writing his name brings back a whole lotta anger) made me write an updated version of the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet. The comment he made to me still stings. Ouch.

You Should've Said No & Picture to Burn--(Great running songs by the way.) Encapsulates all that break up anger and would have made healing those 4 broken hearts I've had quite a bit easier.


wackywilsons said...

I have thought the same thing about Taylor Swift, that is funny. She really does relate on teens on a such a level that as adults it's almost hard to listen to!

This Jones Family said...

Love Taylor Swift! And my 6 year old girls sing all her songs!!