October 21, 2008

your mission, should you choose to accept. . .

I'm taking the beauty test in the November issue of O magazine. One of the questions is to pick 5 characteristics from this list that you think most accurately describe you. It says that our greatest strengths are often invisible to us (I'm so so so hard on myself so this is especially true for me) so we can and should get feedback from those who know us well. If you know me well, or even well enough, help me out in the comments!

smart, knowledgeable, honest, excellent writer, funny, empathetic, great parent, excellent cook, caring, gentle, musical, in excellent shape, strict, capable, watchful, entertaining, great friend, high achiever at work, artistic, excellent hostess, confident, inventive, organized, powerful, humble, reliable, outgoing, excellent caretaker, rational, conventional, personable, giver, authentic, unconventional, dependent, neat, breadwinner, holder of high standards, good-looking, politically active, easygoing, moral, rich, sexy, passionate, supportive, athletic, stylish, wise, famous, loyal, unflappable, independent, leader, content, inspiring, spontaneous


R A C H A E L said...

I'm gonna say

1. Holder of high standards
2. organized
3. independent
4. stylish (I think sophisticated fits better, but its not listed...)
5. Honest.
6. IN SHAPE ( I know that its six, but just deal...)

I don't know you that well, but I think you are impressive. So I guess you could add inspiring to that list too...

Livingstone Family said...

That's a great list! I've known you for a long time, so here are my 5:
excellent writer, great parent, excellent cook, in excellent shape, great friend,organized, reliable,neat, good-looking, supportive,athletic, wise, independent
I know that's way more that 5, I couldn't decide but I think you're all of those things and more!

Misty said...

Wow...it's been a while since we were daily friends, but I think I know you fairly well....but five!?! Are you kidding?!?! Not possible.

Here are mine: Dependent, Neat, Inspiring, Great Parent, Giver, Caring, Excellent Writer, Authentic, Athletic, Great Friend, Holder of High Standards, Loyal, Capable

that's thirteen and that is AFTER I cut a BUNCH out of my list. What else am I supposed to cut? You truly are one of my heros.

Berly said...

Here is my list and in not any paritcular order:
1. Holder of higher standards
2. In shape (HELLO!!!)
3. passionate
4. stylish
5. confident
6. capable
here is my list but I could keep going....

Jen and Kent said...

How to narrow it down - hmmm....well, here's what stood out to me

great parent, great friend, neat (is this an understatment for you or what!!), holder of high standards, and in shape(uh, hello marathon runner!)

Your fantastic and I am so grateful to have you as a friend!