October 21, 2008

100% guilt free snacking. . .

At least for me, but as I was searching for this picture some article said bad things about the ingredients. Hello! It's a genuine treat, who cares!?! These are a dieting (or at least health conscious) chocolate lover's dream come true. One pack satisfies a chocolate craving without ruining your calorie count. Some days, if I need sweets after both lunch and dinner, I eat two.


Anonymous said...

yummmmyyyy!!!!!! Way to go!

R A C H A E L said...

I think the article was about partially hydrogenated oil. My mother in law gave me a half hour lecture on how I was basically feeding my kids poison when I gave them an oreo. Wish I was joking...

Jen and Kent said...

I love these too! A perfect guilt free (mostly) night time snack. I love how the new diet rage is the 100 cal. snacks. It makes it easier to be good!

nicole said...

I HATE those articles that just poop on our parades when we're trying to be healthy. What are we supposed to eat for dessert, raw beets???