October 22, 2008

Quote of the Day

Carter wakes up grumpy, whether it's in the morning or after an occasional afternoon nap, about half the time. I can all but guarantee a happy Carter on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings only because it's the only mornings Marc is home when he wakes up. Other than that, he's usually a grump grump grump. Today, I was showering when he woke up. I heard him run and I mean run into my room and scream, Mom, it SNOWED!!! Is it Christmas? He was thrilled with the cold, wet stuff on the ground. He wasn't even phased after I told him it wasn't Christmas for two more months. For some reason, he loves snow. Me, not so much, though my blue puffer coat makes the cold quite a bit more manageable.


jkhuber said...

Snow? What's snow?

Rachel said...

So cute! I love seeing the world through childrens' eyes.

foreveryoung said...

Are we on the same continent??? We're still flirting with mid 90 degree temperatures and unfortunately I don't think a blue puffer jacket will ever be a part of my wardrobe.