October 15, 2008

My Super Hero

If you've been around Carter recently you'd know that he is OBSESSED with Spiderman. From the time he wakes up in the morning until the time he goes to bed he is flying his Spiderman(s) around from wall to wall, shooting his own webs, teaching Anderson to shoot webs and make the corresponding noise, or since we mistakenly let him watch the movies, quoting lines as he fights his Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Sandman, or Venom against any one of his five Spidermans. He's sometimes doing all of this while wearing his Halloween costume seen here.

Today, for his quiet time, he watched Spiderman in my bed. I got a few things done, then snuggled him as the movie finished. I went to make dinner as the movie ended and left Carter to take a rest as he seemed sleepy. Not a moment after I got downstairs to the kitchen, I heard a thud upstairs. I ran to my room and found Carter on the floor next to my bed crying. When I asked him what happened he said he'd jumped off the bed and landed on his chest and that his chest and his bum hurt. I opened his shirt and found a red circle above his heart--an indent from the button on his shirt pocket. I couldn't help but start laughing as he continued to cry--it doesn't take a genius to figure out what was going through his head as he jumped off of my bed belly-flop style. He thought he could be Spiderman.


Jennifer Hepworth said...

Oh my heck... I laughed almost to the point of tears reading this. Although I am sorry he got hurt. Boys will be boys! Ashton is only 11 months old and I could totally picture him doing something like this! Can't wait for those days to come. :)

Phillips Flips said...

Go Carter! I guess it's important to test the limits of his superpowers. That is some awesome live entertainment for you! Congrats on not only finishing the marathon but doing so well, even despite cruddy weather. You are my hero. It sounds like you had a good trip from Bonnie's newsletter.

Rohm Family said...

Congrats on the marathon! I am so impressed that you were able to run the whole thing- wow! Carter is so funny- love the spiderman suit. Have you posted pix of your new house yet? Maybe I missed them.

wackywilsons said...

How is the no TV thing going? We have never invested in cable in our 6 years of marriage b/c i would become an addict!

Wesley is obsessed with Spiderman, Hulk, Power Rangers...these silly boys and their make believe powers:)

Robin said...

Our Spiderman mask is showing the same wear and tear that yours is. Carter is at a wonderful age.