October 07, 2008

if you ask me why i am still running. . .I RUN FOR LIFE!
3:30 am alarm goes off. get ready. force feed myself oatmeal. bleh.

4:45 am meet family. board bus. ride to the top of the canyon

5:30 am rain begins. put on garbage bag to keep dry. stand around fires at the start line to stay warm.

6:45ish gun goes off. start running.

run. eat. potty break. repeat.

11:20ish cross the finish line.

It rained the whole time. There was a head wind, too. There were lots and lots of hills. I ran the whole time and the miles really seemed to fly by. I finished in 4:34:43. Then, the rain stopped. And it was so fun, I'm going to do it again!


Rebecca said...

Wow. I am so impressed! Good for you, Diana! I can't believe it rained the whole time! You look great in the pictures!

Misty said...

You look amazing! Great job. What a talent you have.

Leslie said...

That is so cool! One of my brothers ran in it too. I can't believe you had to run the whole time in the rain! What a great accomplishment!

Diana said...

the interesting thing about the rain--st. george hadn't had any rain for 3 months. it started raining about 1.5 hours before the start of the race, then stopped about the time I finished. Then didn't rain the rest of the weekend.

Colorado Smarts said...

You're amazing!! Congrats on your 2nd (I think) marathon! Tell Marc great job as well!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!!! I am SOOOOO proud of you!!! You not only finished in an amazing time, but you looked great doing it!!! Seriously - So proud of you!

renae said...

you are totally my hero! great job.

ixoj said...

That's AMAZING! Well done!

Danette said...

very inspiring. pictures look great. good job!

jkhuber said...

You guys are amazing! Congratulations, well done!

R A C H A E L said...

She runs marathons, shes primary prez, she has two of the most polite boys I've ever met, Is there anything you don't do? You are wonder woman.

Kristi said...

WOW! I am impressed! Can't say that I could run for that long. I think it would take me about 8 hours due to all the potty breaks I would have to take! ha!

Jen and Kent said...

Yeah Diana!!!! What a huge accomplishment! You did an amazing job and in only 4 1/2 hrs -very impressive!!!

foreveryoung said...

You are AMAZING! I can't even imagine the high you got after crossing the finish line and knowing that all your hard work and dedication had paid off. What an inspiration, congrats!

Hans and Michelle said...

You are amazing! And to feel good too. I'm so glad for you!

Julie said...

Great job. I'm so impressed. Wow I can't believe you dropped about an hour.
And of course you look GREAT!

Natalie N said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe it rained on you the whole time! And I love that the rain stopped as you crossed the finish line. Way to go on running the entire time. You did so well, girl! Congrats!! :)

Summer said...

I am so proud of you--I don't know how you did it!

nicole said...

Diana! I am so proud of you! And I'm even more impressed that you're living without TV :)

Berly said...

Way to go!! and in the rain. What a huge accomplishment!!