October 02, 2008

1 Day 17 Hours 52 Minutes

Until the gun goes off and I start running. My in-laws got to town last night to watch the boys and we leave for St. George in about 2 hours. I am overwhelmed by the support and encouragement from all my friends--old and new. Thank you! I'll let you know how it goes next week!


Rebecca said...

good luck!! can't wait to hear all about it!

Colorado Smarts said...

Don't know if you'll check this before the race, but good luck! You are amazing for running a marathon with 2 Little boys!! Hope all goes well and can't wait to hear about it!

Natalie N said...

Good luck, good luck, good luck!! I'm so excited for you. You'll do AWESOME. These 26.2 miles will be so blissful for you considering you've been training on a treadmill. Enjoy every step of the race!!

ixoj said...

I hope you did well!! Good luck!

R A C H A E L said...

Go for it. You are amazing for doing this. Good luck and I can't wait to read your update!

Becky W. said...

Yahoo! I'm so excited to hear how it goes. A marathon is such a journey. That is so cool that you are doing it! You're awesome!

Angie said...

Good Luck Diana! Can't wait to hear all about it!

daveanddebbie said...

Good luck on your race! I'll be anxious to hear how it goes! I still keep thinking about your 18 mile treadmill run with awe!