September 21, 2008

Loaded Sweet Potato

I love Texas Roadhouse--we always get the same thing--the steak and ribs with Caesar salad and a loaded sweet potato. We also eat our fair share of rolls. Last year I ran across Tyler Florence's recipe for a loaded sweet potato. Now I make them every time we have steak.
Bake sweet potatoes for 1-2 hours at 350 then cut in half.
Fork together:
1 T. butter, 1 T. brown sugar, 1 T. flour and a sprinkle of cinnamon per sweet potato you're serving. Add some chopped pecans. Use your hands to smear this mixture onto the insides of the potatoes. Cover in marshmallows. Return the potatoes to the oven until marshmallows are golden. I find that 1/2 a potato is a great portion size.


Rachel said...

That looks so yummy! We also get the sweet potato at Texas Roadhouse. I'm going to try this recipe this week! Thanks!

R A C H A E L said...

That looks dangerously addicting. And you know I'd justify it by counting it as a veggie serving for the day. never mind the hundreds of calories... So making this for G.C. weekend...

Brooke said...

DIANA! How about a blast from the past? This is Brooke Hathaway. How in the crap are you? I found you and Marc (and Danette) through Kim Nelson's blog. Weird and awesome. Just wanted to wish you luck on the marathon on Saturday. You are a rock star! I would love to hear from you. We should have a BYU freshman year reunion. Hope everything is great.

Anonymous said...

Texas Roadhouse is SOOOOO good - so good that I just can't go without eating way too much - so I just don't go! :) K - need picts from your marathon!!!!!!!