September 07, 2008

Quote of the Day

Carter wanted pudding for dessert tonight but hadn't eaten enough dinner.

Marc: Take three more bites of your tortilla and then you can have some.
Carter: Uhhh, how about four?
Marc: Sounds good to me.

Carter will have to work on his negotiation skills before he's a teenager. We certainly are not going to help in that department and we'd appreciate it if no one else does either. Let's just let him figure it out!


jkhuber said...

That's so funny! Eden does the same things, but we aren't going to correct her!

Rebecca said...

Hahaha! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!

foreveryoung said...

Too funny! And thanks for the Murphey's oil soap tip, I'm sure that's one we'll be trying in the near future!

Leslie said...

Aurora does the same thing too. I love it!

Phillips Flips said...

Carter is hilarious! And I loved your Idaho pics, I just checked them out. We were sad to miss the reunions this year. Thank goodness for computer chats! You gotta send me your new address sometime. I apologize if you already did. I can't believe Anderson is almost 2!

Anonymous said...

what a great laugh from a great little boy!!!!! love it!