September 05, 2008

My Friday Pick-Me-Up

I'll be honest. This week has not been the best of weeks. It started out with a race that didn't leave me with a racing high of accomplishment and it tumbled into the realization that Marc and I will be strangers for the entire month. I got down right angry about it yesterday and then, to make matters a bit more stressful, I realized after only a minor bit of preparation last week, that I have Sharing Time on Sunday. I completely spaced it! Ooops. But there's nothing like these three things for a quick pick-me-up!

{that's right, Maggie Moo's Red Velvet Cake ice cream melted my anger last night!}

{Marc took the kids to work during his break this afternoon so I could get a pedi--it's my guilty pleasure! Those aren't my toes, mine are a cool midnight blue right now.}

{My dearest friend from our time in Northridge called today. Our chat was brief because we're both swamped these days but we've been known to chat for hours on end back in the day! Love you Julie!}

(Sigh) I think I'm ready to tackle the weekend first and then the rest of September.


R A C H A E L said...

Well, I think it is awesome you did the 1/2. You should be proud of yourself. And if you want to hang out while your sweetie is gone, call me. (Is he out of town, or really really busy in all his physical therapist-ness?) Damon has A LOT of traveling to do this month. We can eat red velvet ice cream and use my foot spa thingy while the chillins play. ;)

wackywilsons said...

It's always good to see you in your "normal" state with real emotions...anger included! I hope you have a better week...why will Marc be gone?

Berly said...

I also think it is awesome that you did the 1/2. I am sorry it has been one of those weeks - I hate those weeks. Why is Marc leaving?