September 21, 2008

Hello, My Name is Trouble

(Oooh, [He's] a Little Runaway!)

[Unfortunately] I find that my sweet addiction is fueled by my emotions and many days (i.e. a few weeks ago when we went to Maggie Moos) chocolate can melt my mood down to mellow. But, there are also circumstances like today's when no amount of chocolate, and believe me, I've consumed my share in the past few hours, can calm me.

We have 1:00 church, but our ward is so large we have to get there at about 12:40ish to get a pew where we can corral our two dear boys. We leave around 12:30. Marc was making lunch in the kitchen while I was upstairs putting on my make up. I finished and went downstairs to eat. Marc asked me how Anderson was doing. I looked from the table into the family room and said, I don't see him. He said, he's not in the family room, he went upstairs. I hadn't heard him, but that didn't mean anything. I ate quickly and went back upstairs to brush my teeth, but I checked on Anderson first. Not in his room. Not in the office. Not in my closet. Not behind my bed. I was getting a tiny bit frantic. I went downstairs and checked the basement. Not there. Not in the garage. By then, I basically tore off my boots and followed Marc outside, running. As I ran outside, there were two nice ladies, one pushing a little girl in a stroller, holding Anderson's hand walking toward our house. They said they found him (barefoot) walking across the street from the park. The park is behind our house which means he walked all the way down our street, around the corner and down that street a little ways before deciding to cross the street. He must have gone out the front door as the garage door was closed and back door locked. But the front door was closed so we didn't know he was gone. Nor do we know for how long. Scary. (Understatement!) I'm not sure how the two ladies knew to come walking down our street. I'm grateful they did, and for the hundred other things that Heavenly Father did not allow to happen to my baby. Today could have been a much different day.

P.S. I'm emotionally spent.


Jennifer Hepworth said...

That is one of my worst fears! I'm so glad he was ok.

Danette said...

Oh my gosh. No words. No words. Guess it's time to start locking the door.

Natalie N said...

SCARY! I'm so glad nothing happened to him.

Kristi said...

Oh, life with curious little boys. I have a runner too. In fact, I am going to add a special section in my blog for Ethan's daily curiosities (mommy's heart attacks). Glad he was okay!!

Colorado Smarts said...

SO scary!! I'm so glad that nothing happened to him.

Liz said...

Hey, Diana, I know that feeling. It has happened to me a couple of times with four boys. Yeah, not fun. Tommy was brought in to me at around 18 months to two years old, he was wearing a diaper only and had been crossing the road. The man stopped before hitting him, and brought him to me. Yikes!

Summer said...

Nightmare! I am so gald that you got him back unscathed!