August 20, 2008

In Other News. . .

  • We had our first stair incident since moving into our house today. The culprit? Anderson. He pushed Carter down the stairs--the entire flight of stairs. I tried to catch him at the bottom but wasn't fast enough. As I think about it now, I almost laugh because Carter truly was doing somersaults down the stairs, but get a big bulge in my throat, too because Carter truly was doing somersaults down the stairs. He landed on his face at the bottom. We are incredibly lucky that he doesn't even have a bruise.
  • Anderson has been sleeping in a big boy bed for 4 nights now. Do I dare jinx myself by typing this already? Besides night #1, he's been doing great and he's napped there twice now, too. How long do I consider this a test run and then just take down the crib and call it permanent?
  • It's been nearly 3 months since I've posted a picture. Thanks for sticking by my non- picture blog for so long. I have a hundred pics on my new camera, but just haven't gotten around to downloading them. Let's all cross our fingers that I get around to that soon.
  • I tweaked my knee yesterday. My 18 mile run scheduled for tomorrow morning is crossed off the calendar. Luckily I know a great physical therapist that's taking care of me--I'm not aloud to run until next Monday. Uho--that'll make it almost two weeks of not running.
  • I've failed miserably to keep up with my no sugar commitment. I'm starting fresh again tomorrow.


Berly said...

I am sorry about your kneee. Why is everyone getting injured? AHHHHH!!! Also, fell down the stairs. Taylor did that on our trip also. She didn't do somersaults though. I hope your knee gets better.

nicole said...

Diane - quit beating yourself up over the sugar thing! Desserts are one of life's real pleasures, and I am currently eating about half a roll of Phillsbury's chocolate chip cookie dough a day...that's normal, right?