July 21, 2008


For the past six months or so I've been living in gluttony. My tummy has gotten used to that uncomfortable full feeling, so much so that it's becoming comforting and I've indulged my sweet tooth a little too often. This habit is not not not conducive to my training schedule at all. I've been training for about six weeks and my toughest two runs were my last two. At this point in my training, when I've run a 10 miler, an 11 miler, and hiked a 13 miler, 6-8 miles should be a moderate challenge. Not a run that makes me want to puke, which after only 3 miles tonight that's exactly what I wanted to do. I'm sure my choice of fuel was the cause. You see, after six years of marriage, Marc finally made me a birthday cake for my birthday. Just in case it didn't turn out, he bought one at the store, too. But that's not all, no that's not all. My mom made one, too. Three cakes! One weekend. Not to mention some Maggie Moos with some of my girlfriends. Can we say sugar high? So, as my stomach was cramping while I ran tonight, I made a decision, a commitment. No more sugar, no more soda, no more fast food. At first, I'm sure I'll have to take a day at a time, maybe more like a food choice at a time but hopefully this will help me conquer two pitfalls that came along with Anderson's pregnancy 2 1/2 years ago: no will power and a major sweet tooth. Since I'm making the commitment public, I'll probably blog about it frequently. Feel free to join me or check on me in my quest!

1 comment:

R A C H A E L said...

You go girl. I'll give you a tip for kicking the soda. 1 quart water, 1 cup 100% unsweetened cranberry juice, and stevia (you can get this at whole foods, its a natural sweetener that doesn't affect your blood sugar.) sweeten to taste! (Its really good cleanser for the body too) Good luck!